Metal Clay Basics: Fine Silver Leaf Pendants with Brandy Boyd
22apr1:00 pm5:00 pmMetal Clay Basics: Fine Silver Leaf Pendants with Brandy BoydSOLD OUT

Event Details
April 22, 10 am-5 pm. Leaves and flowers can remind us of people we know, places we’ve been, or characteristics we want
Event Details
April 22, 10 am-5 pm.
Leaves and flowers can remind us of people we know, places we’ve been, or characteristics we want to nurture within ourselves. However, the same ephemeral nature that we cherish them for makes them difficult to carry with us.
In this adults-only class, you will choose a real leaf (or two if you’re making earrings) from the vast variety of leaves available at the Garden and coat it with several layers of Fine Silver Metal Clay paste. The leaf will burn off when the piece is fired in the kiln, and you will have an exact replica of the leaf in .999 pure Fine Silver. We will cover all the ways you can hang your piece, finishing techniques, and basic metal clay handling. Tools are provided for use in class. You will be able to purchase a kit with all the materials to make a necklace or pair of earrings for $50 (tax included) payable to the instructor at class time (cash or credit card only). The variety and uniqueness of many of the leaves available in class make this a favorite for new ‘Metal Clayers’ and experienced artists alike. You will leave class with a finished piece.
There will be a mid-day lunch break, and you are welcome to bring your lunch or order from the on-site café Fratelli’s at the Garden. Brandy Boyd is a Senior Instructor ArtClay World and Camp PMC certified instructor. Class size is limited; register early. $55 MBG Members/$75 Non-Members (plus kit fee).
(Saturday) 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm