In a generous partnership with Sprouts Healthy Community Foundation, the Memphis Botanic Garden has produced four videos educating both children and adults about the idea of Garden to Grocery. Videos include information on how gardens and grocery stores are directly dependent on each other. Videos can be viewed as a series or stand-alone units.
Plants in the Pantry
Students will be amazed to find out that most items in the grocery store have at least one of its ingredients that comes from plants. In this video, we show the direct connection between items on the grocery shelf and their agricultural origins.
Eat a Rainbow
This video puts a new spin on eating the rainbow with a game show. Watch contestants compete for a healthy diet and win the knowledge of how important fruit and veggies are to a healthy body.
Far Away Flavors
Join our intrepid explorer in a journey to figure out where some of our favorite faraway foods originally came from.
Roots, Shoots, and Fruits
When you eat your favorite fruits and veggies, have you ever thought about what part of the plant you are actually eating? Find out in this video all about roots, shoots, and fruits.